Dynamic Effect of Ply Angle and Fiber Orientation on Composite Plates
Carbon Fiber, Vibration, Natural Frequency, Finite Element Method (FEM), Composite PlatesAbstract
Composite materials have revolutionized industries such as aerospace and automotive with their impressive strength-to-weight ratios and customizable properties. Ply angle and fiber orientation are critical factors that significantly impact the dynamic behavior of composite structures, influencing stiffness, strength, and vibrational characteristics. This research delves into the dynamic characteristics of composite plates, explicitly examining how ply angle and fiber orientation affect vibrational behavior. Through finite element analysis (FEA), composite plates with varying ply angles and fiber orientations were modeled to understand their influence on natural frequencies, mode shapes, and dynamic responses under various loading conditions. The study reveals that cross-ply [0/0/0/0] exhibits the highest stiffness and superior stress handling, while the cross-ply balanced laminate [90/0/0/90] demonstrates better vibrational characteristics. The findings highlight the intricate relationships between design parameters and structural vibrational behavior, offering opportunities for optimizing composite structures. Additionally, harmonic analysis showed that a cut-out increases the natural frequency. The results underscore the importance of optimizing composite plate configurations to enhance vibrational characteristics and align natural frequencies with operational requirements, thereby mitigating resonance-related issues.
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