Investigation of the Settlement Behavior of Ballasted Railway Tracks Due to Dynamic Loading




Railway ballast, Settlement models, Dynamic loading, Track geometry, Ballast compaction


This study investigates the settlement behavior of ballasted railway tracks under dynamic loading, providing a comprehensive evaluation of track deterioration models using extensive field data. Leveraging regression analysis, the research examines logarithmic and exponential settlement trends based on operational conditions and highlights key influences, such as ballast compactness and maintenance interventions. Validated against historical ORE (Research and Testing Office) studies, the results suggest refinements in constants to better predict contemporary track behavior. The integration of advanced computational and experimental techniques is proposed to improve model accuracy, ensuring effective maintenance planning and enhanced track durability.


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How to Cite

Fischer, S. (2025). Investigation of the Settlement Behavior of Ballasted Railway Tracks Due to Dynamic Loading. Spectrum of Mechanical Engineering and Operational Research, 2(1), 24-46.